Frequently Asked Questions
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Can chemical grafting impart desirable properties of an expensive plastic onto a less expensive plastic?
Yes, the less expensive would then have the properties of a more expensive plastic resulting in tremendous cost savings.
Can chemical grafting work on any substrate?
No, although we have a vast array of activation monomers, they cannot activate every substrate. Email us @ info@advancedpolymersolutions.com for a complete list of substrates which can not be grafted
Can my company patent the formulation once ?
Yes, you will own the formulation, we will assist in obtaining your patent.
Are the formulations safe?
Yes, The ingredients in all APS formulations will be completely safe, can be water-based in many cases, and will conform to OSHA, EPA and, if required, FDA guidelines.
Can a chemically grafted formulation be used to attach two different types of plastic?
Yes, The ingredients in all APS formulations will be completely safe, can be water-based in many cases, and will conform to OSHA, EPA and, if required, FDA guidelines.
Can the formulation be added to ink?
Yes, The ingredients in all APS formulations will be completely safe, can be water-based in many cases, and will conform to OSHA, EPA and, if required, FDA guidelines.
Once developed can Advanced Polymer Solutions manufacture the coating or additive?
Yes, The ingredients in all APS formulations will be completely safe, can be water-based in many cases, and will conform to OSHA, EPA and, if required, FDA guidelines.
When grafting onto metals is any heat source required?
No, our activation monomers will bond to the metal forming a covalent bond.
All information is strictly confidential, however prior to releasing any information regarding your project to us, APS will sign a non-disclosure agreement.
If you would like additional information regarding our patented chemical grafting process or would like to know how chemical grafting can benefit your company, email us: info@advancedpolymersolutions.com